
sobota 14. června 2014

Sobota 14.6.2014

Doma voní jahody !!!

 mám málo sklenic


  Recept z Apetitu

Roztříděné na džem,na knedlíky,do mrazáku a na jídlo

Doma voní jahody a já bych si dala řízek :-))

1 komentář:

  1. I love fresh strawberries! Usually we are able to pick them by this time of year, too. We have had a very cool spring so our local strawberries are late. We are looking forward to gathering fresh strawberries. For now I will enjoy yours. They look delicious!

    I found your blog because you started following some of my quilting boards. Now I will follow you here, too. I read your blog using google translate ... :) Pat
